
Monday 11 June 2018

Growth Mindset Bubble!!!

Growth Mindset Bubble!!!
Talofa Lava and welcome to my blog! Today I will be sharing with you guys ANOTHER growth mindset bubble! 

The quote that I have chosen today is one that is simple but really meaningful to me! I think most of you guys have already heard of it, but this quote really does help me in life! When I read it, it helps me think of everyone that I am surrounded by and helps me choose the right! Here is the quote:
This quote means everything! The colors represent something as well! You can be any color you want but you will always be BEAUTIFUL and PRECIOUS! By color, I don't mean actual colors. I am using it as a word to define, that you can have a disability, you can be not as pretty as you'd like to be, but that does not matter!!! 

You can be anyone in the world but you just got to be yourself! You don't have to act like someone to be known, you don't have to do something to make people like you because their opinion is theirs but yours is what matters! No one is perfect and either am I!! Be yourself no matter what because even though I may not know you, you're BEAUTIFUL just the way you are and you are SPECIAL to those around you, don't let anyone tell you so!!!

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