
Thursday 24 January 2019

🕯️SLJP W3D4 - Like a Scene Out of a Movie - Activity 1: The Southern Lights 🕯️

🕯️SLJP W3D4 - Like a Scene Out of a Movie - Activity 1: The Southern Lights 🕯️
Bula Vinaka and welcome to my blog! I have never seen the Southern Lights but, I have always heard people talking about it. 
Image result for southern lights
I found out that the Southern Lights are so beautiful that they make people speechless! Today I am going to be writing an ACROSTIC POEM using the word LIGHTS to describe the Southern Lights! Let's get started!

L - Lights all around
I - It's an incredible sight to view
G - Glowing real bright
H - Heavenly looking
T - Time to remember
S - Slowly fading, so speechlessly beautiful!
Hope you enjoyed my acrostic poem!
The question of the blog: Have you ever seen the Southern Lights before?

Thank you for reading this blog make sure to give me some positive feedback and feedforward! Vinaka Vaka Levu, Moce! :)

🦅SLJP W3D3 - Taking Flight - Activity 3: Wind Beneath My Wings🦅

🦅SLJP W3D3 - Taking Flight - Activity 3: Wind Beneath My Wings🦅
Image result for flying animalsKia Ora and welcome back to my blog! Birds and Bats may be the only two kinds of species that can fly but did you know, that some fish, squirrels, and snakes can fly? WEIRD RIGHT?
Check out this website to discover more!
                                           Top 10 Flying Animals

The animal I have chosen to make a poster about is an EAGLE!  because not only are they so cool and interesting but they are also really brave and strong which is quite similar to me!

Here is my DLO:

Photo 1: Bald Eagle, Alaska by Wikipedia is licensed under cc-by-4.0
Photo 2: Golden Eagle Hunting by Timothy Allen licensed under cc-by-4.0
Photo 3: American Bald Eagle Flying In Sky (Author Unknown) licensed under cc-by-4.0

Eagles are really, really cool!
Question of the blog: What animal do you think is so interesting?

Thank you for reading this blog! Make sure to give me some POSITIVE feedback and feedforward! Ka Kite Ano!

🐺SLJP W3D3 - Taking Flight - Activity 2: Flying Foxes🐺

🐺SLJP W3D3 - Taking Flight - Activity 2: Flying Foxes🐺
Talofa Lava and welcome to my blog! Flying Foxes? Never heard of it! All I know is that they are Fox looking Bats! (Just Kidding!) New Zealand is home to many different native animals including Bats! They're pretty huge just not compared to the bats in Australia! 
Image result for australia

In Australia, they have really big bats, one of them being called the Flying Fox! These bats are really huge with a wingspan of 6 feet or 2 meters! WOW! Let's get started with day three's second activity!

If I could have any superpower it would be to have the ability to TELEPORT! I would want this because I would be able to go anywhere I would want without having to drive there etc. It'll be really cool because then I could just teleport to other countries/areas and visit my family and friends!
Image result for teleport gif
Just like this Power Ranger 
Teleport?! That would be so cool!
The question of the blog: What superpower would you want to have?
Fun Fact: Bats use their ears to travel around in the dark which is called a 'superpower'!

Thank you for reading this blog! Make sure to give me some POSITIVE feedback and feedforward for my blog! Tofa Soifua :)

🐦SLJP W3D3 - Taking Flight - Activity 1: Bird Of The Year!🐦

🐦SLJP W3D3 - Taking Flight - Activity 1: Bird Of The Year!🐦
Image result for extinct
Malo E Lelei and welcome to my blog! Bird Of The Year? Birds are really special to NZ, we have some really unique bird species all around NZ! It is really sad because 1/3 of our native bird species are endangered and are at risk of being extinct...

Image result for let's get started gifIn this task, I am going to be choosing any bird from the Bird Of The Year website! I will be writing a short description of the bird I choose! This task is based on the Bird Of The Year. Bird of the year is a competition held by the Forest and Bird New Zealand where people can vote for their favorite bird. This year, the winner was the Kereru (or Woodpigeon). Let's get started!

The bird I chose to write about was the Fantail. 
Fantail Birds are really fast nest builders. They mainly eat insects which are known to be pretty easy for them to catch because of their speed. Their nests are usually built under protective gathered leaves in tree forks. They are birds of Australasia, South Asia and parts of India. Their scientific name is Rhipidura and they're doing okay as of extinction statuses! 
This image belongs to the bird of the year website.
Fantails are really interesting! Speaking of fans, I'm really hot I need one!
The question of the blog: What bird interests you the most?

Thank you for reading this blog make sure to give me some positive feedback and feedforward! Bye :)

🤢SLJP W3D2 - The Air Up There - Activity 3: Flying Fungi🤢

🤢SLJP W3D2 - The Air Up There - Activity 3: Flying Fungi🤢
Kia Ora and welcome back to my blog! Fungi? Mould? These two things can be found around houses and many different areas. It is found in the middle of winter where it can get pretty wet and damp. When it gets wet and damp, it is common that fungi and mould are formed. Some types of mould and fungi are so small that they cannot be seen. Others, can be found in the air which are called airborne fungi which can sometimes be unhealthy for us!

Image result for mould

This task is a MATHS QUESTION!!! YAYAYAYAYAY! :) Let's get to solving equations! 
The Question:

Let’s imagine that we tested the air in your classroom and found 7 different kinds of mould. Eek! The cleaner says that it takes 5 days for each mould to be eradicated (removed). If the school had to remove each mould one at a time, how long would it take to remove all the mould from the classroom?

Image result for 5x7=35My answer is it will take 35 days to remove 7 different kinds of mould!
Here is how I solved it:
If it takes 5 days to remove one piece of mould removed, it would take 35 days to remove 7 different kinds of mould because 5x7=35!

Another way to explain is by using ratio.
Which means 5 days to remove 1 piece of mould.

Image result for yuckBasically what I done here is count up in my 5 times tables but also multiply those numbers by one since my first ratio was 5:1!
Which means my answer is:
It would take 35 days to remove 7 different kinds of mould!

35 days to remove 7 pieces of mould?! YUCK!!
Question of the blog: Have you ever seen mould or fungi? If yes, where did you see it?

Thanks you for reading this blog! Make sure to give me some positive feedback and feedforward! Bye :)

Sunday 20 January 2019

💨SLJP W3D2 - The Air Up There - Activity 2: Carbon Sinks Don't Stink!💨

💨SLJP W3D2 - The Air Up There - Activity 2: Carbon Sinks Don't Stink!💨
Image result for drain foodFakalofa Lahi Atu! Welcome back to my blog! Do you know what a carbon sink is? Well, a carbon sink is a specially designed sink that kills air that can be toxic for us humans! A carbon sink is really cool because you can drain different certain types of foods and it gathers and cleans away things you don't want! The biggest Carbon Sink here in NZ cleans away %60 of our unwanted food!

In this task, I have to list down different types of foods that I will drain in my very own special carbon sink! Let's get started! 
The things I would drain in my own special Carbon sink are:
- Noodles
- Old Leftovers
- Seafood 
- Big Crumbs
- Vegetables
- Corn
- Bones
- Rice
Many More!
Image result for carbon sinks dont stink
The question of the blog: What things would you throw away in your carbon sink?

Thank you for reading this blog! Make sure to give me some POSITIVE feedback and feedforward for my future! Bye :)

Monday 14 January 2019

🐝SLJP W3D2 - The Air Up There - Activity 1: Bee Informed🐝

🐝SLJP W3D2 - The Air Up There - Activity 1: Bee Informed🐝
Aloha everyone! Welcome back to my blog! Bees. We may not know it but Bumblebees are really important even though they don't really matter to some of us! This task is based on bees. Bumblebees. Bumblebees were first introduced to NZ in 1855 to pollinate a plant called the Red Clover. Nowadays, Bees do even more special and important jobs, including pollination of greenhouses and many more!
Common Eastern Bumblebee

In this task I am going to bee-come a detective! I was given 5 sentences:       
  • The word ‘bumblebee’ is a compound word (bumble + bee). The word ‘bumble’ means to __________________________.
  • Bumblebees can fly very quickly. They can reach ground speeds of _______ kilometres per hour (km/h).
  • Bumblebees are very strong! They carry up to ____ percent of their body weight in food with them to avoid starvation.
  • Bumblebees can do more work and carry more pollen than other bees, including honeybees. In fact, they can do up to   ______ times as much work as a normal honeybee.
  • The number of bumblebees is declining in New Zealand due to a number of factors, including the  _____________________.
                  Image result for detective                    
I was also given words/phrases/numbers:
...50                 ...90                 ...removal of wildflowers and flowering trees, habitat loss, and extensive use of pesticides.      ...hum, buzz, or drone                 ...54   

Using the words/phrases/numbers above, I have to fill in the blanks in the sentences! Let's get started!

The word 'bumblebee' is a compound word (bumble + bee). The word 'bumble' means to hum, buzz, or drone. 

Bumblebees can fly very quickly. They can reach ground speeds of 54
kilometers per hour (km/h).

Bumblebees are very strong! They carry up to 90 percent of their body weight in food with them to avoid starvation.

Bumblebees can do more work and carry more pollen than other bees, including honeybees. In fact, they can do up to 50 times as much work as a normal honeybee.

The number of bumblebees is declining in New Zealand due to a number of factors, including the removal of wildflowers and flowering trees, habitat loss, and extensive use of pesticides. 
Woah. That was a lot of detective work! 
Fun Fact: Bumblebee eggs are shaped like sausages!

Thank you for reading this blog! Make sure to give me some POSITIVE feedback 

🔥SLJP W3D1 - A Heated Debate - Activity 3: Burning Up...🔥

🔥SLJP W3D1 - A Heated Debate - Activity 3: Burning Up...🔥
Kia Ora everyone! Welcome back to my blog! It has been really hot in NZ recently but earlier today I think it rained! (Interesting...) Even though it has been really hot in NZ it has been even hotter in other countries including Australia!
Image result for hot weather
For this task, I have created a Google Drawing to make a Bar Graph showing the Worlds Hottest Recorded Temperatures! Here is my Bar Graph!
In my graph, it shows how hot it gets in these 5 places. 
It shows:
Dallol - 41
Dasht-e Loot - 71
Tirat Zvi - 54
Kabili - 55
Bandar-e Mahshahr - 51
That is way hotter then it is here in NZ! I would hate to live in that kind of weather!
Question of the blog: Do you like it when it's hot in NZ?

Thank you for reading this blog! Make sure to give me some POSITIVE feedback and feedforward for my future! Bye :)

Sunday 13 January 2019

🌞SLJP W3D1 - A Heated Debate - Activity 2: You Are My Sunshine🌞

🌞SLJP W3D1 - A Heated Debate - Activity 2: You Are My Sunshine🌞
Image result for sunHello everyone and welcome to my blog! It is Summer here in NZ and it is not nice! In fact, it is TERRIBLE! I mean, it is nice to take a swim here and there but my cousins and I went swimming like 6 days in a row due to the hotness! (HOOTTTTT!!!!) It may be nice to be in the Sun, but you got to stay SunSmart because being in the Sun too much can lead to Sun Cancer!

Here are 5 ways on how to be Sun Smart!
Slip into a long-sleeve shirt. Tighter and darker color shirts protect your body more from the Sun.
Slop on SUNSCREEN! Sunscreen is very important when going outside. Apply 20 mins before going outside. and every 2 hours especially after swimming or sweating!
Slap on a hat! Bucket hats are most recommended to cover your face and neck from being sunburnt!
Seek some shade! Don't stay in the Sun too long, make sure to get some shade and feel the nice breeze!
Slide on some Sunglasses! Make sure to check the label to make sure it protects your eyes against UV Radiation!
Image result for sunsmart
Those are 5 ways to stay Sun smart, make sure to do these things to avoid Sun Cancer and Sunburn!
Question of the blog: Do you know any other ways of how to be SunSmart?

Thank you for reading this blog! Make sure to give me some POSITIVE feedback and feedforward! Bye :-)

🌡️SLJP Week 3 - Up, Up, and Away - Day 1 - A Heated Debate - Activity 1: Togs Or Trackies?🌡️

🌡️SLJP Week 3 - Up, Up, and Away - Day 1 - A Heated Debate - Activity 1: Togs Or Trackies?🌡️
Talofa Lava and welcome to my blog! I am starting on Week 3 of the SLJP which is called Up, Up, and Away! Day 1 is called A Heated Debate and Activity 1 is called Togs Or Trackies? Let's get started!
Swimming in my cousins pool cause it was so HOT!

New Zealand is a really wonderful place. (Am I right?) Especially a lovely place to live in but according to some information, it is also a lovely place to visit! In 2017, 2-3 million people visited NZ as tourists! Some people visit in the middle of Summer, others like to visit in the middle of Winter! It is currently Summer here in New Zealand and honestly, IT IS TERRIBLE!!!!! It is extremely hot here but when I look at it, I feel sorry for those who live in places like Australia! In Auckland, the temperature is usually 27 degrees or less which is like being in a heated oven, but when I ask my cousins how hot is it in Australia they say it's over 30 degrees! WHAT?! In Winter it gets really cold. Cold as in where I need 2 blankets and a heater in my room! I do not like the cold but I also do not like when it is really hot!

Image result for springMy nana lives in America and so does some of my family so when they do visit NZ we tell them the best time to come in Spring.  This is because it isn't too hot or it isn't too cold! It will be a good time for the beach and good time for family time! I also think Summer is a good time because that's around the time when us kids have our school holidays!

I think this goes the same for tourists. 3 things tourists can do if they come in Spring is,
- Go to the beach and look for shells or swim.
- Explore different places in NZ.
- Look at the beautiful view of flowers etc.

You're maybe thinking 'You can do all of this in the Summer, Winter and Autumn too!' Which is correct but I think doing it in Spring will avoid you from sweating to much or having to wear 3 layers of clothes because it is too cold!
Image result for seasons
Question of the blog: What season do you think is a good time for family members and tourists to visit NZ?

Thank you for reading this blog! Make sure to give me some POSITIVE feedback and feedforward! Bye :)

🙌SLJP W2D5 - Wasting Away - Activity 3: Faded Glory🙌

🙌SLJP W2D5 - Wasting Away - Activity 3: Faded Glory🙌

Malo E Lelei and welcome to my blog! In the East Coast of Australia, lives the largest coral reef system called the Great Barrier Reef, which is made up of 2900 individual reefs! (Amazing, Right?)
Many people believe that this reef system is millions and millions of years old. Most of its life it has been healthy and well but over the past 3 decades, it has changed. Most of the bright beautiful coral has become bleached and damaged by natural disasters such as cyclones, tourists and damaging species. Luckily, the Australian government helps by spending $200million dollars to help protect this wonderful coral reef! This is a lot of money that could be used for other things and we can help with fundraising! In this task, I have to list three different ideas or strategies that could be used to help fundraise to preserve the coral reef! Let's get started!
Image result for fundraise
One way I think could be used to fundraise is by hosting a talent show and getting a group of friends even family to raise money which could help out a lot. This can even become a hobby or a job (kind of like a circus), where you entertain people and get paid for it! I think this is a really good way to raise money because it doesn't have to be magic, or singing it can be dancing, traditional dancing and many more! 

Image result for night markets aucklandAnother strategy that can be used to help fundraise is by selling food! Have you ever heard of the Night Markets? Well, I know that every Tuesday there is one at the Countdown parking lot in Mt Wellington and there is one in Pakuranga underneath the Warehouse! You could get your family, aunties and uncles, cousins, grandma and grandpa to help put up a little store where you can sell food or old stuff that you own that can go to good use! 

One last strategy that I could come up with is by taking the time to express yourself and inspire others to fundraise. I think if you encourage others to fundraise, you won't be doing the job alone! Spread the word about the problem and explain different ways of what you can do to fundraise!

These are my three different ways of fundraising to save the Great Barrier Reef!
Question of the blog: What would you do to fundraise?

Thank you for reading this blog! Make sure to give me some POSITIVE feedback and feedforward for my future! Bye :)

🚫SLJP W2D5 - Wasting Away - Activity 2: The Black Drain🚫

🚫SLJP W2D5 - Wasting Away - Activity 2: The Black Drain🚫
Aloha and welcome to my blog! New Zealand is a very beautiful country surrounded by a lot of nature and water! Most of this water is clean and good to swim in but did you know, some of New Zealand's lakes and rivers are wayyy too dirty to swim in? Let's investigate!
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Image result for fresh and clean waterAccording to an article (LINK) and some information from the Summer Learning Journey website (LINK), I have found out that 2/3 of the rivers in New Zealand and 1/2 of the lakes in NZ are too polluted to swim in! This is really interesting and kind of sad. The most polluted river here in NZ is the Tarawera River in the Bay Of Plenty region! This is really sad because some underwater animals live in our rivers and lakes and our pollution is killing them. It is also killing our opportunity for fresh and clean water! 

Tarawera (Bay Of Plenty) and Waitaiki (Auckland), are two of the dirtiest rivers in New Zealand! Tarawera River is actually the most polluted river in New Zealand and is called the Black Drain because below its surface it is brown, polluted and dirty! In 2017, it was announced by the government that they would be funding $400 million dollars to help improve and clean 100 rivers in NZ including Waitaiki and Tarawera! (LINK)
To avoid polluted water, re-use all reusable plastic objects and recycle! Also, put your rubbish in the bin and don't litter!
The question of the blog: How do you think polluted water is avoiding us?

Thank you for reading this blog! Make sure to give me some POSITIVE feedback and feedforward! Bye :)

🐟SLJP W2D5 - Wasting Away - Activity 1: Off The Menu🐟

🐟SLJP W2D5 - Wasting Away - Activity 1: Off The Menu🐟
Kia Ora and welcome to my blog! In New Zealand, fishing is one really common activity people do! People all over New Zealand have fished for over centuries! 

Image result for restricted fishingFishing has been quite a problem for some areas. This is because, over the past few decades, people have fished in one area which leaves the area without enough fish to refill. Nowadays, some areas are restricted and can't be used for fishing due to 'overfishing!' When an area cannot restock on fish it is called overfished. These areas are not allowed for fishing and if anyone is caught fishing in these areas they need to pay a fine and the maximum amount of this fine is $100,00. This is a lot of money and this is now a new rule! 

I agree with this new rule because I believe that we need fish because it is one of the foods we eat. The more fish we lose, the more chance of fish being endangered in our country. I think to help avoid overfishing is by making areas where a lot of people fish, restricted so that overfishing won't be a problem! 
Image result for fishing problem
Question of the blog: What do you think about this rule?

Thank you for reading this blog! Make sure to give me some POSITIVE feedback and feedforward! Bye :) 

📸SLJP W2D4 - Spectacular, Spectacular - Activity 3: Picture Perfect📸

📸SLJP W2D4 - Spectacular, Spectacular - Activity 3: Picture Perfect📸
Image result for niagara falls
Bonjour and welcome back to my blog! You guys might not know this but I love taking selfies, especially with family! Whenever there is a nice background me and my cousins love to take selfies in front of it! We LOVE taking photos! Have you ever heard of Niagara Falls? This natural wonder sits on the border between Canada and America! People and tourists love to visit this wonder and take selfies in front of it. It is so beautiful!

Look at this picture:
In this task, I will be telling you all a story about this lady and what she is doing! Let's get started!

This lady is a tourist and she travels the world! She is currently in Brazil. She was on a tour guide with another group of people and they had the opportunity to see the whole city in front of them! They were AMAZED at what they saw! They couldn't believe how beautiful it was and how special they were to see it! The lady was really excited and wanted to take a selfie. She stood on the edge of the roof and was careful not to fall. She grabbed her phone and angled her camera so it could catch everything! She took the photo and it was PERFECT! She was really happy and knew she could never forget that moment again!

I hope you enjoyed my story! Here are the photos, you should try doing this activity too!

Question of the blog: Are you a selfie person?

Thank you for reading this blog! Make sure to give me some POSITIVE feedback and feedforward for my future! Bye :)

👀SLJP W2D4 - Spectacular, Spectacular - Activity 2: It's All In The Name👀

👀SLJP W2D4 - Spectacular, Spectacular - Activity 2: It's All In The Name👀
Bula Vinaka and welcome to my blog! Did you know that Rotorua is one of the many places that tourists like to go to when they visit NZ? Rotorua is a city that is filled with forests, mountain biking tracks, lakes and many more things like mud pools and hot springs.

Have you ever heard of the famous Devils Bath? The Devil's Bath is a neon green pool of stinky water. People have suggested changing the name into something more creative! I have come up with 5 names that I would suggest to name the pool and I have put a '*' next to my favorite one! Let's look at what we have!

1. The Sewers Pool

2. Stinking Liquid

3. The Green Funky Smelling Pool

4.  Rotten Water*

5. The Musty Bath

As you all can see, Rotten Water is my favorite name for the Devil's Bath! If I did have the opportunity to change its name I would change it to Rotten Water because I think this name sums up what it is! I wouldn't name it The Musty Bath because musty is another word for smelly but it also means a damp smell and I do not know what the Devil's Bath smells like! This is why I think Stinking Liquid or Rotten Water would be a good name for the Devil's Bath!

Now you know, Rotten Water is my most suggested name for the Devil's Bath!
Question of the blog: What would you name the pool if you could?

Thank you for reading this blog! Make sure to give me some POSITIVE feedback and feedforward for my future! Bye :)

Saturday 12 January 2019

🏞️SLJP W2D4 - Spectacular, Spectacular - Activity 1: Planes, Trains and Automobiles🏞️

🏞️SLJP W2D4 - Spectacular, Spectacular - Activity 1: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles🏞️
Namaste and welcome back to my blog! Have you ever heard of the 'Eighth Wonder?' Well, this so-called known Eighth Wonder belongs here in our country New Zealand! It is specifically called the Milford Sound. 

The Milford Sound is a wonderful area located in the South-West of New Zealand's South Island. It is a steep valley that is known to be BEAUTIFUL! This steep valley was created by ice glaciers that mounted and formed a river. It is surrounded by cliffs, forests and waterfalls which makes this area very beautiful and popular. 

People visit this area in many different ways. Some people like to explore by foot, others have the option to travel around by boat and some people are lucky enough to see the whole thing in the sky on a helicopter! If I got the opportunity to explore Milford Sound, I would love to walk around! I think it would give me a better opportunity to explore everything close up and to also discover new things by my own eyes.
The question of the blog: How would you explore Milford Sound? By boat, foot (walking) or air (helicopter).

Thank you for reading this blog! Make sure to give me some POSITIVE feedback and feedforward for my future! Bye :)